Seminar khoa học “Semantic Exploration and Integration of Statistical Data”

Thời gian bắt đầu: 12:00 am 19/09/2017

Thời gian kết thúc: 12:00 am 20/09/2017

Địa điểm:

Thời gian: 15.30 ngày 25/9/2017

Địa điểm: phòng 803, nhà B1, Đại học Bách khoa

Người trình bày: TS. Đỗ Bá Lâm, Bộ môn Hệ thống thông tin

Title: Semantic Exploration and Integration of Statistical Data

In recent years, the amount of statistical data available on the web has grown dramatically. Numerous organizations and governments publish statistical data in a multitude of formats and encodings, using different scales, and providing access through a wide range of mechanisms. Due to such inconsistent data publishing practices, analysis of heterogeneous statistical data is challenging. In this presentation, we introduce how we address three major challenges to integrate and explore disparate statistical data sources, i.e., (i) syntactic heterogeneity; (ii) semantic heterogeneity; and (iii) providing uniform access to heterogenous data sets. We implement this approach in StatSpace, a linked statistical data space that provides uniform access to more than 1,800 data sets published by a variety of data providers including the World Bank, the European Union, and the European Environment Agency.

Ba Lam Do is a lecturer at School of Information and Communication Technology (SOICT). He received Engineer and Master degrees from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He completed his Ph.D. at Vienna University of Technology in 2017. His research interests contain data integration, data extraction, open data, and natural