Pham Quang Dung
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science
Ph.D. (Computer Science, University catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 2011)
M.S. (Francophone institute for Informatics, Vietnam, 2006)
B.S. (Hanoi University ofScience and Technology, Vietnam, 2003)
Email: dungpq@soict.hust.edu.vn
Research Areas
- Computational optimization
- Algorithms, graphs
Research Interests
- Optimization problems in transportation and logistics
- Packing & scheduling
- Constraint Programming, Mixed Integer Programming, Local Search
PHAM Quang Dung got his PhD degree in 2011 from Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium. His is now lecturer in Hanoi University of Science and Technology. His domain expertises are about combinatorial optimization. His has published scientific papers in international journals and conferences including Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Constraints, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Transportation Research, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, International conference on integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems. His is leader of a research group developing several open source software tools like OpenCBLS, CBLSVR for combinatorial optimization in the domain of transportation and logistics.
- Quang Minh HA, Yves Deville, Quang Dung PHAM, Minh Hoang HA On the min-cost traveling salesman problem with drone. Transportation Research Part C – Emerging technologies, vol. 86, 2017, Pages 597– 621
- Pham Quang Dung and Le Kim Thu and Nguyen Thanh Hoang and Pham Van Dinh and Bui Quoc Trung. A Constraint-Based Local Search for offline and online general vehicle routing. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2017
- BUI Quoc Trung, Yves Deville, PHAM Quang Dung. Exact methods for solving the elementary shortest and longest path problems. Annals of Operations Research, vol. 238, pp 1-36, 2016.
- T. Bui, Q.D. Pham, Y. Deville. Solving the Quorumcast Routing Problem as a Mixed Integer Program, 11th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2014), Cork, Ireland, May 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2014.
- Pham Quang Dung, Huynh Thanh Trung, Ta Duy Hoang, Nguyen Thanh Hoang. A Java library for Constraint-Based Local Search: Application to the master thesis defense timetabling problem. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, 2015, Pages 67-74
- Phan Thuan Do, Nguyen Viet Dung Nghiem, Ngoc Quang Nguyen, Quang Dung Pham. A time-dependent model with speed windows for share-a-ride problems: A case study for Tokyo transportation. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.datak.2017.06.002
- Thanh Trung Huynh, Quang Dung Pham, Emir Demirovic, Maxime Clement and Katsumi Inoue. Balanced clustering based decomposition applied to Master thesis defense timetabling problem. Multidisciplinary international scheduling conference 12-2017, pages 214–228
- Son Nguyen Van, Dung Pham Quang, Behrouz Babaki, Hoai Nguyen Xuan and Anton Dries. Prediction-based optimization for online People and Parcels share a ride taxis. The 19th International conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, October 2017, pages 42 – 47
- Van Son Nguyen, Quang Dung Pham, Quoc Trung Bui, Thanh Hoang Nguyen. Solving min-max capacitated vehicle routing problem by local search
Awards & Honours
- Best paper award: Son Nguyen Van, Dung Pham Quang, Behrouz Babaki, Hoai Nguyen Xuan and Anton Dries. Prediction-based optimization for online People and Parcels share a ride taxis. The 19th International conference on Knowledge and System Engineering, October 2017, pages 42 – 47
- Data structures and algorithms
- Discrete mathematics
- Constraint-based Local Search