Pham Ngoc Hung
Deputy Head, Innovation Center
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Engineering
Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2017)
M.S. (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2010)
B.S. (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2008)
Email: hungpn@soict.hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/hungpn/
Research Areas
- Embedding System, Internet of Things
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Research Interests
- Embedded System, Internet of Things Technologies and Application
- Machine learning and deep learning with medical data, health record data.
Các dự án đang thực hiện
- Nghiên cứu mô hình học máy ứng dụng trong chẩn đoán bệnh sử dụng dữ liệu bệnh án điện tử
PHAM Ngoc Hung is a lecturer of School of Information and Communication Technolgoy, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in computer engineering in 2017 from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan. His current research interests include embedded system and Internet of Things, machine learning and deep learning for medical data. He has published over ten research articles in international journals and conference proceedings.
- Nguyen, Binh P., Hung N. Pham, Hop Tran, Nhung Nghiem, Quang H. Nguyen, Trang TT Do, Cao Truong Tran, and Colin R. Simpson. “Predicting the onset of type 2 diabetes using wide and deep learning with electronic health records.” Computer methods and programs in biomedicine182 (2019): 105055.
- Pham, H. N., Chatterjee, A., Narasimhan, B., Lee, C. W., Jha, D. K., Wong, E. Y. F., … & Chua, M. C. (2019, July). Predicting Hospital Readmission Patterns of Diabetic Patients using Ensemble Model and Cluster Analysis. In 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE)(pp. 273-278). IEEE.
- Pham, H. N., Do, T. T., Chan, K. Y. J., Sen, G., Han, A. Y., Lim, P., … & Chua, M. C. (2019, July). Multimodal Detection of Parkinson Disease based on Vocal and Improved Spiral Test. In 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE)(pp. 279-284). IEEE.
- Pham, H. N., Koay, C. Y., Chakraborty, T., Gupta, S., Tan, B. L., Wu, H., … & Chua, M. C. (2019, July). Lesion Segmentation and Automated Melanoma Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and XGBoost. In 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE)(pp. 142-147). IEEE.
- Pham Ngoc Hung, Takashi Yoshimi. Adaptive Learning of Hand Movement in Human Demonstration for Robot Action. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.29 No. 5, page. 919-927, 2017. https://www.fujipress.jp/jrm/rb/robot002900050919/ DOI10.20965/jrm.2017.p0919.
- Pham Ngoc Hung, Takashi Yoshimi. Programming Everyday Task Using Primitive Skills and Generative Model of Movement Demonstrated by Human. 2017 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, September 6-8, 2017, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8297177/, DOI 10.1109/ARIS.2017.8297177.
- Pham Ngoc Hung, Takashi Yoshimi, An approach to learn hand movements for robot actions from human demonstration. Proceedings of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), Sapporo, Japan, December 13-15, 2016. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7844083/ DOI 10.1109/SII.2016.7844083
- Pham Ngoc Hung, Takashi Yoshimi, Extracting actions from instruction manual and testing their execution in a robotic simulation. ASEAN Engineering Journal Part A, Vol.6, No.1, page 47-58, 2016.
- IT4210: Embedded System
- IT4727E: Computer Systems
- IT3030Q: Computer Architecture
- IT3270E: Logic Circuit Lab
- IT1110: Introduction to Computer Science
- IT3280E: Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Lab