Do Ba Lam
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science
Ph.D. (Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, 2017)
M.S. (Information Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, 2011)
B.S. (Information Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, 2008)
Email: lam.doba@hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/lamdb
Research Areas
- Semantic Web
- Data Integration
- Blockchain
Research Interests
- Integration and Exploration of Data using Semantics
- Information Extraction
- Schema Mapping and Matching
- Privacy and Consensus models in Blockchain
- Blockchain-based Traceability
Ba-Lam DO is a lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology (TUWien), Austria in 2017.His main area of interest is to study of semantic web, data integration, and blockchain. He want to research and develop novel systems to address limitations in fields such as tourism, suppy chain, and education.
- Dao, Thanh Chung, Binh Minh Nguyen, and Ba Lam Do: Challenges and Strategies for Developing Decentralized Applications Based on Blockchain Technology. In International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2019.
- Fajar J. Ekaputra, Ba-Lam Do, Elmar Kiesling, Niina Maarit Novak, Tuan-Dat Trinh, A Min Tjoa, Peb Ruswono Aryan: Towards Open Data Mashups for Data Journalism. SEMANTICS, 2017
- Ba-Lam Do, Peter Wetz, Elmar Kiesling, Peb Ruswono Aryan, Tuan-Dat Trinh, A Min Tjoa: StatSpace: A Unified Platform for Statistical Data Exploration. OTM Conferences 2016
- Ba-Lam Do, Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peb Ruswono Aryan, Peter Wetz, Elmar Kiesling, A Min Tjoa: Toward a statistical data integration environment: the role of semantic metadata. SEMANTICS 2015
- Ba-Lam Do, Peb Ruswono Aryan, Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peter Wetz, Elmar Kiesling, A Min Tjoa: Toward a Framework for Statistical Data Integration. SemStats@ISWC 2015
- Ba-Lam Do, Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peter Wetz, Amin Anjomshoaa, Elmar Kiesling, A Min Tjoa: Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces. DATA 2014
Awards & Honours
- 04/2013 ~ 08/2017: học bổng Việt – Áo
- 10/2014: bài báo tốt nhất tại workshop SemStat, ISWC 2014
- 2016: bài tạp chí Distributed Mashups: A collaborative approach to data integration được lựa chọn là bài báo xuất sắc trong năm 2016 của Emerald
- IT4843: Data Integration and XML
- IT4409: e-Services and Web Technologies
- IT3230E: Data Structures and Algorithms – Basic Level (Lab)
Current Projects
- Researching and developing a demo system to collect, classify, summarize text and identify the relationship between entities in Vietnamese news on the Internet. National Project. Role: key member
- Researching and developing a system of online public service delivery in the field of land management using blockchain technology. National Project. Role: key member
- AgriBKChain: a blockchain-based network for agricultural traceability and product advertising. ASEAN IVO. Role: key member.