Bui Quoc Trung
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science
Phd. (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 2015)
Msc. (IFI, 2011)
Bachelor (University of Engineering and Technology, VietNam National University, Hanoi, 2008)
Email: trungbq@soict.hust.edu.vn
Research Areas
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Applications of Machine Learning
- Optimization in Warehouse Management
- Bin-packing Problems & Scheduling
- Integer Programming, Local Search
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Applications of Machine Learning
- Optimization in Warehouse Management
- Bin-packing Problems & Scheduling
- Integer Programming, Local Search
Bui Quoc Trung, a lecturer at Computer Science Department, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He earned Phd. degree in Computer Science in 2015 from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. His research interest includes Combinatorial Optimization and Applied Machine Learning.
Các công trình khoa học tiêu biểu
- Quoc Trung Bui, Thibaut Vidal, Minh Hoàng Hà, On three soft rectangle packing problems with guillotine constraints, Journal of global optimization 74 (1), 45-62, 2019
- Quoc Trung Bui, Yves Deville, Quang Dung Pham, Exact methods for solving the elementary shortest and longest path problems, Annals of Operations Research 244 (2), 313-348, 2016
- Lu Chen, Boxiao Chen, Quoc Trung Bui, Minh Hoàng Hà, Designing service sectors for daily maintenance operations in a road network, International Journal of Production Research 55 (8), 2251-2265, 2017
- Quang Dung Pham, Kim Thu Le, Hoang Thanh Nguyen, Van Dinh Pham, Quoc Trung Bui, A constraint-based local search for offline and online general vehicle routing, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 26 (02), 1750004, 2017
- Khanh Hiep Tran, Minh Duc Nguyen, Quoc Trung Bui, Local search approach for the pairwise constrained clustering problem, Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, 115-122, 2016
- Quoc Trung Bui, Quang Dung Pham, Yves Deville, Soving the agricultural land allocation problem by constraint-based local search, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 749-757, 2013
- Quoc Trung Bui, Quang Dung Pham, Yves Deville, Solving the quorumcast routing problem as a mixed integer program, International Conference on AI and OR Techniques in Constriant Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 45-54, 2014
- Quoc Trung Bui, Thi Le Trang Nguyen, Quang Bang Nguyen, Tran Su Le, On the mathematical program in theater anti-aircraft distribution problem, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 999-1003
- Thi Le Trang Nguyen, Quoc Trung Bui, Quang Bang Nguyen, Tran Su Le, Modelling and Solving Anti-aircraft Mission Planning for Defensive Missile Battalions, International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, 371-385, 2017
- Thi Le Trang Nguyen, Quoc Trung Bui, Quang Bang Nguyen, Tran Su Le, Mathematical Programs and Computations for a Class of Anti-aircraft Mission Planning Problems, ICORES 2018
- IT3020 Discrete Mathematics
- IT2030 Technical Writing and Presentation
- IT3170 Algorithm and its Application