Nguyen Duy Hiep
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science
M.S. (Computer Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2010)
B.S. (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2007)
Email: hiepnd@soict.hust.edu.vn
Research Areas
- Big Data
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
Research Interests
- 3D printer
- IoT
- Ads optimization
DuyHiep NGUYEN is a Lecturer at the School of Information and Communication Technology (SoICT), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). He received his M.S. in Computer Science in 2010 from HUST. His current research interests include AI, Data mining, and Big Data.
- IT3010: Data Structures and Algorithms
- IT3011: Data Structures and Algorithms
- IT3210: Introduction to computer sciene
- IT3190: Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining