Truong Thi Dieu Linh
Associate Professor, Department Of Computer Engineering
Ph.D. (Computer Science, Université de Montréal, Canada, 2007)
M.S. (Computer Science, Institut de la Francophonie pour l’Informatique, Vietnam, 2001)
B.S. (Information Technology, University of Science Technology)
Email: linhtd@soict.hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/linhtd/
Research Areas
- Network Optimization
- Next generation Networks
Research Interests
- Network Optimization problems: Topology design, Routing
- Survivable networks
- Software Defined Networks
- Free Space Optics
Truong Thi Dieu Linh is an Associate Professor in Data Communications and Computer Networks at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Sience and Technology (HUST). She received her Ph.D. in computer science in 2007 from Université de Montréal in Canada. Her current research interests include network optimization problems such as topology design, routing, survivable routing, next generation networks such as SDN. She has been Principal investigator of several researches grants from National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and HUST; and members of different research projects. She also served as Program co-chair of the Symposium in Information and Communication Technology (SoICT) in 2015 and 2016.
- Linh D. Truong, Hien T. T. Pham, Ngoc T. Dang, and Toi V. Doan,“Topology Design and Cross-Layer Optimization for FSO Mesh Networks Impaired by Atmospheric Turbulence and Misalignment Fading”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 9, Issue 12, pp. 1097-1107 (2017), https://doi.org/10.1364/JOCN.9.001097
- Dieu-Linh Truong, Elena Ouro and Thanh-Chung Nguyen,“Protected Elastic-tree Topology for Survivable and Energy-efficient Data Center” Informatica , Vol 40, 2016, pages 197–206.
- Dieu Linh Truong, Phan Thuan Do, Anh T. Pham,“On the Optimization of Survivable Mesh Long-Reach Hybrid WDM-TDM PONs” , IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2014, pages 62-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/JOCN.6.000062
- D. Truong, S. T. Luong, L. P. Dinh, H. T. T. Pham and N. T. Dang, “Design and optimization of FSO mesh networks over atmospheric turbulence and misalignment fading channels,” International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), Hanoi, 2016, pp. 356-361.
- Dieu Linh Truong, Quang Huy Duong,“How simple routing algorithms are good for solving RWA problem in Survival Optical Networks?”, in Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec.2014, pp.136-145
- Quang Huy Duong, Dieu Linh Truong, “Evaluation of simple algorithms for solving RWA problem in Survivable Optical Networks”, in Proceeding of The 2014 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC’14), Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 2014, pp.729-734.
- Truong Dieu Linh, Cao Van Khang,“Physical topology design for survivable optical networks with Shared Risk Group consideration”, Journal of Science & Technology , vol. 101, 2014, pages 150-155
- IT3080(E) Computer Networks
- IT2120 Computer Literacy
- IT4921 Routing protocols
- IT4062(E): Network programming
- IT6560 Advanced Computer Networks
Current Projects
- Thiết kế và tối ưu xuyên lớp mạng truyền thông quang sử dụng các trạm hạ tầng trên cao, Đề tài Nafosted, 2019-2021, Chủ nhiệm đề tài