Phan Van Hai
Associate Professor, Department Of Computer Science
Ph.D. IT (Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto-JAPAN, 2013)
M.S. (Computer Science, Asian Institute of Technology, 2008)
B.S. (Computer Science, Hanoi University of Science- Vietnam National University Hanoi, 1997)
Email: haipv@soict.hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/haipv/
Research Areas
- Applied Artificial Intelligence (Digital transformation, Industry 4.0)
- Machine learning
- Soft Computing
- Big data
- Applied fuzzy systems
- Hybrid Intelligent system; System Integration
Research Interests
- Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI real-world applications, Digital transformation, Industry 4.0)
- Machine learning (Deep learning, Neural Networks, Self organizing Maps)
- Soft Computing ( Fuzzy logics, Kansei evaluation, rule-based and Knowledge-based system)
- Big data ( Big data Analysis, Knowledge graphs in social networks, Deep learning in big data)
- Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Context-aware system (Applied fuzzy systems, picture fuzzy set, rule-based system)
- Analysis and System Design; System Integration (AI in FPGA, AI with embedded system)
- Real world applications ( Smart phone, Health, social networks, robots, industry, education)
Hai Van Pham is an Associate Professor in specialization of Artificial Intelligence (applied AI, Soft computing, machine learning, Bigdata analysis), working at the School of Information Technology and Communication, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in computer science in specialization in AI from Ritsumeikan University. His current research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based Systems, Soft computing, machine learning and Big data analysis in the trends of digital transformation, industry 4.0. Hai V. Pham has published over 100 research articles in international journals (30 research papers in ISI/ scopus index) and conference proceedings, domestic research papers and co-authored several books/’s chapters/ monographs. He was obtained the Best Research Award of Innovation Fair 2011, Fair 2010, and Fair 2009 – Society of Advancement and Technology at Ritsumeikan, December. Hai V Pham is a senior expert, conducted research projects between HUST researchers- students and companies in applied AI and industry 4.0. He has served as a member of program, technical committees for international conferences and acts as a reviewer for international conferences and journals: IEEE transaction, IEEE access, Soft computing, Neural computing and Neural computing applications. He is also on the reviewer and editorial board of international conferences/journals, acted as a workshop Chair, Track Chair, and Program Chair for selected International Conferences for selected activities of the following:
- Chair of fuzzy logics and intelligent systems, KSE 2019, KSE 2017, KSE 2019, KSE 2015/ KSE 2016 – The International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Chair of Intelligent Systems, SOICT 2015, SOICT 2014 – The firth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, 04-05 December, 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Workshop Org. Co-Chair of International Workshop on Personalized Human-Centric Context-Aware Systems, to be held in conjunction with The 5th FTRA International Conference on Human-centric Computing (HumanCom-12), 6 – 8 September 2012, Gwangju, South Korea.
- Conference Track Co-Chairs in High Performance Modelling and Simulation of 26th EUROPEAN Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS 2012), May 29th – June 1st, 2012, Koblenz, Germany.
- Workshop Co-Chairs of The Second International Workshop on Intelligent Context-Aware Systems (ICAS 2012), 4-6 July 2012, Palermo, Italy.
- Hai Van Pham, Asadi, F.; Abut, N.; Kandilli, I., Hybrid Spiral STC-Hedge Algebras Model in Knowledge Reasonings for Robot Coverage Path Planning and Its Applications, Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(9), doi.org/10.3390/app9091909, ISI index, IF 2,6
- Hai Van Pham and Philip Moore , Robot Coverage Path Planning under Uncertainty Using Knowledge Inference and Hedge Algebras, Machines, 2018, 6(4), 46, doi:10.3390/machines6040046, ISI index, IF 1,0
- Hai Van Pham and Philip Moore. A Proposal for Information Systems Security Monitoring Based on Large Datasets. Int. J. Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) , Volume 9 • Issue 2 • April-June 2018, ISI index, IF: 1,0
- LH Son, PV Viet, Hai V. Pham, Picture Inference System: A New Fuzzy Inference System on Picture Fuzzy Set, Applied Intelligence, Vol. 46, pp. 652 – 669, 2017, ISI index, IF 2,5
- Le Hoang Son, Hai Van Pham, A novel multiple fuzzy clustering method based on internal clustering validation measures with gradient descent, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2017, 18 (5), 894-903, 2016, ISI index, IF 2.8
- Philip T Moore & Hai V Pham (2015). Personalization and rule strategies in data-intensive intelligent context-aware systems, The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 30:2, 140–156. Cambridge University Press, 2015, doi:10.1017/S0269888914000265, ISI index, IF: 2.5
- A.M. Thomas*, P. Moore, C. Evans, H. Shah, M. Sharma, S. Mount, F. Xhafa, H.V. Pham, L. Barolli, A. Patel, A.J. Wilcox, C. Chapman and P. Chima. (2014). Smart care spaces: pervasive sensing technologies for at-home care. Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 268-282, Sep., 2014, ISI Index, IF 1.9
- Hai V. Pham, Thang C., Cooper E. W. and Kamei K., Hybrid Kansei-SOM Model using Risk Management and Company Assessment for Stock Trading, Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 256, pp. 8-24, January 2014, ISI index, IF: 5.2
- Hai V. Pham, Thang C., Nakaoka I., Kushida J., Cooper E. W. and Kamei K., A Group Decision Support System Using Hybrid Kansei-SOM Model for Stock Market Investment Strategies and Its Application, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.7, No.7(A), pp. 3659-3678, July 2011, ISI index, IF: 2.2
- Hai V. Pham, Thang C., Nakaoka I., Cooper E. W. and Kamei K., A Proposal of Hybrid Kansei-SOM Model for Stock Market Investment, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.7, No.5(B), pp.2863-2880, May 2011, ISI Index, IF: 2.2
Awards & Honours
- Merit of Ministry of Education and Training 2015-2018
- Best Research Award of Innovation Fair 2011 – Society of Advancement and Technology at Ritsumeikan, December 2011.
- Excellent Fellowship PhD Research Price Award, Ritsumeikan University, July 2011.
- Best Fellowship Award, granted by Society of Advancement and Technology at Ritsumeikan, June 2011.
- Award Excellent Intensive Doctoral Program fellowship, granted by Ritsumeikan University, July 2010.
- Best PhD Research Award issued by Innovation Fair 2010 – Society of Advancement and Technology at Ritsumeikan, December 2010, Shiga, Japan.
- Best PhD Research Award issued by Innovation Fair 2009 – Society of Advancement and Technology at Ritsumeikan, December 2009, Shiga, Japan.
- JICA Fellowship was funded by Cooperation International Cooperation Agency for advanced training course of Okinawa International Center, Japan 1999.
- IT3160: Artificial Intelligence
- IT3120: System Analysis and Design
- IT4341: Decision Support System / Applied Deep Learning
- Master: Knowledge Based System
- Master/ Bsc: Engineering: System Integration