Nguyen Linh Giang
Associate Professor
Head, Department Of Computer Engineering
Ph.D. (Computer Science, Georgian University of Technology, Georgia, USSR, 1995)
M.S. (Computer Science, Georgian University of Technology, Georgia, USSR, 1991)
Email: giangnl@soict.hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/giangnl/
Research Areas
- Network Security
- Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Research Interests
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Cryptography and Attribute based Encryption
- Biometric Authentication
- Reinforcement Learrning and Applications
Nguyen Linh Giang is an Associate Professor in Data Communications and Computer Networks at the School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Sience and Technology (HUST). He received her Ph.D. in Computer science in 1995 from Georgian University of Technology, Georgia, USSR. His current research interests include network security problems such as secure data transmission, intrusion detection and prevention, biometric authentication. He has been Principal investigator of several researches grants from MOET and MOST; and members of different research projects.
- Hai-Anh Tran, Duc Tran, Linh-Giang Nguyen, Quoc-Trung Ha, Van Tong, and A. Mellouk,
“SHIOT: A Novel SDN-based Framework for the Heterogeneous Internet of Things”, Informatica, Vol. 42, No. 3, pages 313-324, November 2018. - Duc Tran, Hieu Mac, Van Tong, Hai Anh Tran, Linh Giang Nguyen, “A LSTM based Framework for Handling Multiclass Imbalance in DGA Botnet Detection”, vol 275, pp. 2401-2413, Neurocomputing, 2018.
- Hai Anh Tran, Quang Duc Tran, Linh Giang Nguyen, Abdelhamid Mellouk, Hieu Mac, Van Tong, “A novel SDN controller based on Ontology and Global Optimization for heterogeneous IoT architecture”, SOICT, Vietnam, 2017.
- Hieu Mac, Duc Tran, Van Tong, Linh Giang Nguyen and Hai Anh Tran. DGA Botnet Detection Using Supervised Learning Methods. SoICT2017. Pp211-218.
- Van Tong and Giang Nguyen. A method for detecting DGA Botnet based on semantic and cluster analysis. SoICT2016. Pp272-277.
- Trung-Duc Nguyen, Tuan-Dung Cao, Linh-Giang Nguyen. A detection method for DGA-based Botnet on BigData Platform. SoICT2015. Pp203-209.
- Tran Dinh Cuong, Nguyen Linh Giang. Intrusion detection under covariate shift using modified support vector machine and modified backpropagation. SoICT2012. Pp 266-271
Current Projects
- Pervasive and Secure Information Service Infrastructure for Internet of Things based on Cloud Computing,2016-2019. Principal Investigator
- IT2130 Signals and Systems
- IT4260, Network Security
- IT4094 Digital Image Procesing
- IT4304 Information Security
- IT4810 Network Security Assessment
- IT4682 Multimedia Communication
- IT6600 Pattern Regognition Theory