Nguyen Khanh Van
Associate Professor, Department Of Computer Engineering
Ph.D. (Computer Sciences, University of California-Davis, USA, 2006)
Ms. (Hons. Degree, Computer Science, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2000)
Eng. (5years, Informatics, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam, 1992)
Email: vannk@soict.hust.edu.vn; van.nguyenkhanh@hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/vannk/
Research Areas
- Algorithms for Networks and Distributed Computing: small-world networks; network graphs and algorithms (especially on routing); models for large-scale networks (random graphs)
- Computer Networks: wireless sensor networks; interconnection networks; peer-to-peer;
- Computer Security: web security, DDoS, applied cryptography
Research Interests
- Algorithms for Networks and Distributed Computing: small-world networks; network graphs and algorithms (especially on routing); models for large-scale networks (random graphs)
- Computer Networks: wireless sensor networks; interconnection networks; peer-to-peer;
- Computer Security: web security, DDoS, applied cryptography
Khanh-Van Nguyen is an Associate Professor at the School of Information and Communication Technologies (SoICT) of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), where he leads the Software Engineering and Distributed Computing Lab (SEDIC Lab). He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis (2006) and also spent one post-doctoral year (2007-08) as a CNRS researcher at University Paris 7 & 11. Earlier, he received the BE degree from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam in 1992, and the MS degree from University of Wollongong, Australia in 2000. His main research interests are in algorithms and theoretical models for computer networks and distributed computing, and in information security. Dr. Nguyen has published over 40 research papers in international and Vietnamese journals and conference proceedings.
- Khanh-Van Nguyen, Phi Le Nguyen, Quoc Huy Vu & Tien Van Do, “An Energy Efficient and Load Balanced Distributed Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Holes”, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 123, January 2017, Pages 92–105, 2017, 0164-1212, SCI
- Nguyen T. Truong, Ikki Fujiwara, Michihiro Koibuchi & Khanh-Van Nguyen, “Distributed Shortcut Networks: Low-Latency Low-Degree Non-Random Topologies Targeting the Diameter and Cable Length Trade-Off”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 28, NO. 4, APRIL 2017, 2017, 10459219, SCI
- Phi Le Nguyen, Khanh-Van Nguyen, Vu Quoc Huy & Yusheng Ji, “A Time and Energy Efficient Protocol for Locating Coverage Holes in WSNs”, 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-2054-6
- N. Truong, K.-V. Nguyen, I. Fujiwara, and M. Koibuchi, “Layoutconscious expandable topology for low-degree interconnection networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 1275–1284, 2016.
- Khanh-Van Nguyen, Phi-Le Nguyen, Hau Phan, Trong D. Nguyen. A Distributed Algorithm For Monitoring An Expanding Hole In Wireless Sensor Networks. Informatica (Slovenia) Vol 40, No. 2 (2016). Pages 181-196
- Trong Nguyen Duc, Le Nguyen Phi, Hau Phan Van and Khanh-Van Nguyen. A Distributed Protocol to Detect and Update Hole Boundary in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. Of SoICT’2015 – the Best Paper award
- Phi-Le Nguyen, Duc-Trong Nguyen & Khanh-Van Nguyen, “Load Balanced Routing with Constant Stretch for Wireless Sensor Network with Holes”, in Proc. of 2014 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP’2014) — the Best Paper Award
- Associate Professor in Information Technology, given by the State Council for Professor Title (VietNam), 2015
- Best Graduate Researcher Award, Computer Science department, UC-Davis, 2006
- Vietnamese Government Fellowship, to study for a Ph.D. degree in the U.S., 2001 – 2005
- Australian Government AusAID Scholarship, for international scholars, 1996 – 1997
Current Projects
- Network routing and unselfish designing for maximizing global performance (National grant, NAFOSTED fund)
- Constructing mechanisms for efficient cost-effective routing in large-scale interconnection networks using random models (University grant)
- Nguyen Khanh Van, “A Course on Fundamentals of Information Security”, Bach Khoa Publisher, 2014 (in Vietnamese)