Nguyen Binh Minh
Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science
Ph.D. (Applied Informatics, Slovak University of Technology, 2013)
Dipl. -Ing. (Computer-Aided Design, Tambov State Technical University, 2008)
Email: minhnb@soict.hust.edu.vn
Web: https://users.soict.hust.edu.vn/minhnb/
Research Areas
- Distributed Systems
- Data Analytics
Research Interests
- Cloud Computing
- Internet of Things
- Blockchain Technology
- Scalable Engineering based on data analytics
- Nature-Inspired Algorithms
- Neuron Networks
- Data Integration and Processing
Nguyen Binh Minh received his Dipl. -Ing. degree in Computer-Aided Design from the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies, Tambov State Technical University (Russia) in 2008 and his Ph.D. degree in Applied Informatics from the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology (STU) in Bratislava (Slovakia) in 2013. Since 2008 to 2013, he worked as researcher at the Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (IISAS), Slovakia. Currently, he is lecturer and head of Information Systems Department, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam). He has participated in many R&D projects such as European FP projects, Slovak National Projects, bilateral projects between Vietnam and other countries, Nafosted, KC01, Ministry of Education and Training projects, Hanoi University of Science and Technology projects. He is (co-)author of scientific papers, reviewer for national and international scientific conferences, and journals. His research interests include distributed systems, and data analytics.
- Nguyen, Binh Minh; Huynh, Thi Thanh Binh; Tran, The Anh; and Do, Bao Son. Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Task Scheduling Problem for the IoT based Bag-of-Tasks Application in Cloud-Fog Computing Environment. In: Applied Sciences, 2019, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 1730, ISSN 2076-3417 (SCIE index). doi>10.3390/app9091730
- Nguyen, Giang; Nguyen, Binh Minh; Tran, Dang and Hluchý, Ladislav. A Heuristics Approach to Mine Behavioral Data Logs in Mobile Malware Detection System. In: Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2018, vol. 115, p. 129-151, ISSN 0169-023X (SCIE index). doi>10.1016/j.datak.2018.03.002
- Nguyen, Binh Minh; Tran, Dang and Nguyen, Giang. Enhancing Service Capability with Multiple Finite-capacity Server Queues in Cloud Data Centers. In: Cluster Computing, 2016, vol. 19, issue 4, p. 1747-1767, ISSN 1386-7857 (SCIE index). doi>10.1007/s10586-016-0653-y.
- Nguyen, Binh Minh; Tran, Viet and Hluchý, Ladislav. A Generic Development and Deployment Framework for Cloud Computing and Distributed Applications. In: Computing and Informatics, 2013 vol. 32, no.3, p. 461-485, ISSN 1335-9150 (SCIE index).
- Cao, Tien Dung; Hoang Huu Hanh; Huynh, Xuan Hiep; Nguyen, Binh Minh; Pham, Tran Vu; Tran, Minh Quang; Tran, The Vu and Truong, Hong Linh. IoT Services for Solving Critical Problems in Vietnam: A Research Landscape and Directions. In:Internet Computing, 2016, vol. 20, no.5, p.76-81, ISSN 1089-7801 (SCIE index). doi>10.1109/MIC.2016.97
- Nguyen, Thieu; Nguyen, Binh Minh; and Nguyen, Giang. Building Resource Auto-scaler with Functional-Link Neural Network and Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 15th International Conference on International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC), Kitakyushu, vol. 11436, 2019, p. 501-517, ISBN 978-3-030-14811-9, ISSN 0302-9743. doi>10.1007/978-3-030-14812-6_31
- Dao, Thanh Chung; Nguyen, Binh Minh; and Do, Ba Lam. Challenges and Strategies for Developing Decentralized Applications Based on Blockchain Technology. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Springer, 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Matsue, vol. 926, 2019, p. 952-962, ISBN 978-3-030-15031-0, ISSN 2194-5357. doi>10.1007/978-3-030-15032-7_80
- Nguyen, Thieu; Tran, Nhuan; Nguyen, Binh Minh; and Nguyen, Giang. A Resource Usage Prediction System Using Functional-Link and Genetic Algorithm Neural Network for Multivariate Cloud Metrics. In IEEE Computer Society, 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), Paris, 2018, p. 49-56, ISBN 978-1-5386-9133-5. doi>10.1109/SOCA.2018.00014
- Tran, Nhuan; Nguyen, Thang; Nguyen, Binh Minh; Nguyen, Giang. A Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series Resource Forecast Model for Clouds using LSTM and Data Correlation Analysis. In Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), Belgrade, vol. 126, 2018, p. 636-645, ISSN 1877-0509. doi>10.1016/j.procs.2018.07.298
- Tran, Dang; Tran, Nhuan; Nguyen, Giang and Nguyen, Binh Minh. A Proactive Cloud Scaling Model Based on Fuzzy Time Series and SLA Awareness. In Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Zurich, 2017, vol. 108, p.365-374, ISSN 1877-0509. doi>10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.121
Current Projects
- Building Optimization Strategy for Task Schedule Problem on Cloud-Fog Environment using Evolutionary Algorithms, 2019, Hanoi University of Science and Technology Project – No. T2018-PC-017
- V-Chain: A Blockchain-based Platform for Development and Deployment of Decentralized Applications. 2019-2021, VINGROUP (VINIF) ). VINIF.2019.DA07
- Doctoral Course:
- Advanced Topics in Big Data Processing
- Master Courses:
- Cloud Computing
- Design and Development of Distributed Software
- Undergraduate Courses:
- Distributed Systems and Applications
- Big Data Storage and Processing
- Blockchain and Applications
- Web Technologies and e-Services
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- C Programming Language