1. Overview
Established in September 2019 in order to achieve the purposes of HEDSPI project, the consortium was operated by several companies and fully support for the operation of HEDSPI’s activities (including Making curriculum, Assignning teacher, Providing class, Student management, Career education, Motivation control, Creating job opportunity, Match with companies (HEDSPI job fair described below) as an official university partner.
The consortium members were recruited from numerous IT companies based in Hanoi by the board of the university. The selected companies are ones who have gained many outstanding achievements and experiences, and are able to provide advanced education as well as employment opportunities in Japan for students. In addition, they have developed their own Learning Management System to improve operational support efficiency and maximize learning effects.
2. Type of company
Companies participating in the consortium can be divided into two groups as follows.
Educational members : Provide education to HEDSPI students
Supporting members : Participate in HEDSPI Job Fair and be able to recruit
HEDSPI students.
3. Member
- Sun* Inc.
Founded in 2012, Sun * is a digital creative studio with more than 1,300 people based in 6 cities in 4 countries. Its main business is start-up studios that investment, new services creation, software development that is committed to business growth, digital transformation that utilizes the latest technologies, and training of professional IT engineers who can create new value.
Sun* has been assigned by the university as a leading company of the consortium, playing the main role in providing educational services, associating with the universities, cash flow management, the contact point of the companies, etc. If you want to become a Supporting Member as well as take part in HEDSPI Job Fair, please feel free to contact us.
CO-WELL was found in 2007 as a subsidiary of a listed company and became independent capital in 2016 with the current name. The Vietnam Offshore Development Service, which started in 2011, focus in standard process, high quality and project management with high level knowledge of IT. The Company provide the development environment using transparent Japanese and English with international customers. Currently, CO-WELL supports a wide range of corporate IT activities, from enterprise systems to Web/Smart device systems, with a focus on major companies. The firm has more than 450 employees, including Japanese, Vietnamese and Bangladeshi. In addition to provide educational support to universities and actively accepting internships, this company are focusing on project management, facilitation and other skills development in order to develop talented engineers.